CBM is the longest standing conveyor belt monitoring provider in the world
Steel Cord & Fabric Conveyor Belting
Independent of belt manufacturers, CBM provides services to leading mining companies globally from their Headquarters in Sydney, Australia.
Portable Continuous X-Ray
CBM’s portable continuous X-Ray (cbmPCX) system is designed to capture an image of one full revolution of conveyor belt, viewing the steel cords or fabric carcass in high detail.
The primary purpose of the Static X-ray system (cbmSX) is to detect any anomalies within a conveyor belt by producing a highly detailed and holistic view of the internals in any conveyor belt.
The primary purpose of the Steel Cord Belt Scanning system is to detect steel cord, carcass damage and splice irregularities, by means of non destructive testing during the conveyor belts' normal operation.
The primary purpose of Static Cover Thickness Measurements is to determine a trended wear pattern and rate of wear for steel corded, fabric and solid woven belts.
The primary purpose of the Conveyor System Inspection is to determine the current state of the conveyor system, which is an integral part of minimising downtime.
Fabric Belt Scanning performed regularly as part of plant-wide condition monitoring, is used as the belt ages to check the evolution of events, such as ingress of moisture, folded fabric and reducing belt thickness.
CBM's excellent customer service, integrity and professionalism has led to both national and international acclaim.
24x7 Monitoring
100% Guarantee
Low Latency
Powerfull Infrastructure
Feature-rich control panel
Professional Conduct
CBM’s outstanding professional conduct and exacting standards have resulted in an expanding pool of talented staff and satisfied clients worldwide.
30 Years Experience
Built on 30 years of experience, our success is based on a comprehensive understanding of the conditions faced by those who work in the mining industry.
Longest Standing Provider
We are proud that CBM is the longest standing conveyor belt monitoring provider in the world, serving the materials handling industry with talented and experienced professionals since 1980.
Ready to Get Started?
Contact CBM and experience the extended safe working life of your conveyor belting.